/ Tom / Activities / 2011 Carpinteria Christmas

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Sunset at the Regan Museum

the Springer's (neighbors) Turtle out for a stroll up the street

Tom taking a sleigh ride from the Skyport to the beach with Dad and BJ on crew
Santa Cruz Island is washed out but visible across the Channel
and you can see the pier and harbor were we had lunch

Tom and Dad having lunch at Longboards on the Santa Barbara Pier,  photo by BJ  ↑

Christmas Eve ↑ ↓

Christmas Dinner

Another stroll through the Santa Barbara City College on a rolling green overlooking the harbor ↑ ↓

Tess loves her horses and Pam and  Pam loves Tess's smile

The lucky couple, Mom & Dad, alongside the church behind the Carpinteria Truax's house