Email from Diana (Reardon) McCoy

 ----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Dr Byron Truax" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 8:04 PM
Subject: hello

Both my boys are playing tennis, I'm getting Russell ready to try out for the Epiphany tennis team in 4 th grade. Maybe I'll coach it, since they need a parent to do it, we'll see. All is well down here, I see Kathy every once in a while, she tries to come to the house once a week to be with Julie, usually on Tuesdays. Tommy is hanging in there, it was hard for them this Christmas, but they did up the house with the Christmas spirit. I'll get my mom to write, she is learning to use her new computer we all got for her this Christmas, her email now is Say hello to everyone for me take care love Diana